Tag Archives: testimonies

Freedom from the Marijuana Trap

I had my  marijuana card for 10 years and was a daily smoker/dabber/edible eater/etc etc etc. I’m ashamed to admit that I was very much a part of the cannabis scene, what a complete and utter waste of time.

With that said, the best decision I ever made in my life was ripping my California “medical” marijuana doctor’s recommendation to shreds and making the decision to never touch that garbage again.

In my early 20s, I was really struggling with mental health issues that were impacting my ability to perform my duties at work. A close friend suggested I try medicinal marijuana so I went to get a doctor’s recommendation. The doctor, after a 5-minute visual and verbal examination, cheerfully told me to use marijuana, that it would help with PTSD and anxiety and I would feel like myself again.

From the outset, I became a different person, my usage of marijuana progressively stole a decade of my life from me, withdrew me from society and I developed a debilitating social anxiety and all of the other symptoms that are mentioned on this website.

I watch day after day as marijuana proponents try to pass off junk science and yellow journalism as facts to justify their chemical dependence and it saddens me as much as it annoys me. The DEA was dead right when they said marijuana has little medical value and a high potential for abuse. Dead right. Recreational pot is a mistake. If future research begins to show clear and concise medical value then it should be dispensed through a pharmacy with careful, specific dosage instructions, not the free-for-all pass that I was given when I got my medical marijuana card.

I can truly say that I feel more alive and healthier with each passing day now that the painful side effects of marijuana are no longer holding me captive. It is a blessing to talk to people who are caught in the grips of the marijuana trap and support them in finding freedom from it.

Today’s marijuana is incredibly potent and people need to start acknowledging the risks and potential dangers associated with heavy use.

By: Darren E.

Editors Note: Do you have a story to tell? Contact [email protected]. Your identity will be protected upon your request.

Stop Chicago Violence; Give Market to Pharma

(by Anonymous)

I live in the Chicago area and medical pot is legal here.  They are trying to legalize recreational pot as well.  I have several disabled friends with diseases like MS, Glaucoma and Cancer who cannot afford to buy their pot from the high priced pot dispensaries.

My friend with MS lives on disability which only pays him
$1100.00 a month to live on, which hardly covers his rent in Chicago, let alone very highly priced dispensary pot.  So he doesn’t buy legal, he goes to the street corner to get the medicine he needs.

If it was really a medication, and made properly by a pharmaceutical
company then he would be able to get his insurance to pay for it.  But, instead, the Deadly Drug Gangs on Chicago are selling pot because the disabled, and just about everyone else who’s not rich, can’t afford to buy the pot from the legal pot dispensaries.

Everyone is crying about how the crime is skyrocketing in Chicago and how the murder rate is higher there than it has ever been….Has anyone considered that the wars and killings are between Drug Gangs fighting over street corner turf so that they can sell their drugs?

If pot is TRULY MEDICINE then I beg the legislators to hand it over to BIG PHARMA to make medication out of it which will be covered by prescription, and paid for by people’s insurance…. instead of this deadly battle that is going on in Chicago, and in other ways all over America.  Corporate Pot doesn’t care who dies as long as they make a profit.

If it’s really MEDICINE then take it out of the hands of the street drug dealers,  and PLEASE give it to BIG PHARMA.

Editor – Thanks for your commentary.  Our information is that the Food and Drug Administration did not approve Sativex, the nasal spray for MS.  There were some complications.   Yesterday the DEA created a new class for scheduling marijuana extracts.  Here is the government document.a

Of the viability of using marijuana as medicine, Dr. Miller gives the following information: “The potential of THC in pain relief will always be marred by its serious psychiatric, cardiac and cognitive side effects.  It is not a potent pain reliever, having failed in clinical trials for acute cancer pain for e.g. (GW Pharma’s results).  For neuropathic pain, there are mixed results, so until better data is available, I don’t think pain relief should be presented as one of its attributes.”

I Am a Marijuana Addict

My name is Jen and I am a Marijuana addict. I have been sober for three years and one month.

Marijuana addiction is a very controversial topic and I often avoid discussing it with others. I know I’m an addict but it can be extremely discouraging when I hear people say things like “It’s physically impossible to be addicted to such and such.” I know they are wrong but it still hurts my feelings and makes me question myself at times. Getting sober is the most amazing thing I have ever done and I need to surround myself with people who appreciate this achievement for what it is, rather than piss all over it and make me feel like a joke.

There needs to be more support and better support that is just geared to marijuana addiction. In the beginning of my sobriety, I tried going to Marijuana Anonymous meetings in Phoenix but they are not very good here. There are usually just a few people — half of them are court ordered and the other half are teenagers that were dragged in by their parents. Needless to say, I did not find these meetings very helpful and eventually stopped going.

I’ve also tried Narcotics Anonymous and often felt ostracized because I have never been addicted to “harder” drugs, thus could not relate to others in the program. I got the most help from Alcoholics Anonymous because the stories were so similar to my own. However, people often shunned me away because “The only requirement for AA is to have desire to stop ***drinking***.” Many people in AA welcomed me with open arms. Others rejected me ruthlessly and went out of their way to make me feel not welcomed. Some would even interrupt others speaking, announcing “You’re only supposed to talk about alcohol!! Do not talk about other drugs!” Finding support for my addiction hasn’t been easy.

The Dark Side of Marijuana

Mother Changes her Mind about Marijuana after Experiencing it in Colorado

(By a Colorado resident)  My son went into psychosis and I’m lucky he is still here.  The drug that is being advertised and promoted is part of an irresponsible industry that provides no education to our youth, and actually makes marijuana look cool and harmless.

When I tell pro-pot people my story and post the evidence that pot can cause psychosis, I’m bullied and verbally abused. I was actually kind of ok with recreational pot if the THC levels were low, but now I am totally against it all together. Continue reading The Dark Side of Marijuana