Tag Archives: Heather Steans

Big Surprise: Illinois legalizes weed in state legislature

On May 31, Illinois became the first and only state to commercialize marijuana through state legislature.  Governor Pritzker hopes the state can raise money this way.  The legalization bill passed on the very last day of the legislative session. The law goes into effect January 1.

Other state legislators looked at facts and figures, and rejected legalization this year.  Continue reading Big Surprise: Illinois legalizes weed in state legislature

Be Smarter, Illinois: Don’t Believe Pot Makes you Safer

Legislators who introduced a bill to legalize marijuana back in April can’t be very intelligent, unless they’re just trying to be ironic.

“Coalition for a SAFER ILLINOIS” said the idea of legalizing weed in Illinois was so people can buy from regulated dispensaries, rather than the black market.   It’s an odd comment since none of the states that have legalized pot have gotten rid of black markets.  In fact, the black markets seem to grow stronger with legalization, as everyone wants a piece of the pie.

SAFER ILLINOIS admits that their campaign is for the drug users.  Continue reading Be Smarter, Illinois: Don’t Believe Pot Makes you Safer