Tag Archives: Addiction

Marijuana Legalization Debunked!

Marijuana Debunked is a recently-published book by an addictions psychiatrist, Dr. Ed Gogek. The pro-legalization community pretends that the only policy choices are legalization and jail.  However, if the legalization advocates told us that truth, they would lose their talking points.  Gogek exposes the flaws of their arguments.

Here’s a sample of some quotes from the book, each one an important issue for parents who are faced with the challenge of educating our children about drugs.

Debunking Marijuana Myth #1: Pot is not Safer than Alcohol Continue reading Marijuana Legalization Debunked!

Hot Cars, Pools, Pot, More Victims of Child Neglect: Part 3

(Part 1 shows child justice failures in Court. Part 2 of this series is about neglected children who died in fires. Part 3 covers children who die in hot cars and in drownings. Part 4 explains parents who are addicted or psychotic from marijuana. Part 5 shows how children die through violence related to potPart 6 presents a solution. Read a previous article,Three Children Die in Colorado.)

The marijuana lobby tells us they advocate for “responsible use of marijuana.” The impairment and forgetfulness of these parents proves that “responsible use” doesn’t work with parenting.  See our updated fact sheet about 53 children who have died from parents’ pot use since November 2012.

Deaths in Hot Cars

The death of Tyler and William Jensen, two years  and four years, was particularly sad. The boys died from being left in a hot car while their mom smoked pot. They were Colorado’s first child neglect victims of a parent’s pot use after the successful vote to legalize in 2012. It’s interesting that Heather Jensen’s lawyer defended her by claiming low IQ accounted for her lack of judgment. A long-term study indicates that frequent, early pot use leads to a significant drop in IQ over time. She was 24 at the time. Heather Jensen’s activity suggests addiction, coming from chronic use at a young age. Continue reading Hot Cars, Pools, Pot, More Victims of Child Neglect: Part 3

US Created Drug Problem by Overdoing ADHD, Drugs

As we hear of more and more drug overdoses, kids in addiction treatment, marijuana psychosis and sudden deaths with designer drugs, we need to ask how did the United States get itself into such a mess? How did we send our youth down this dangerous path?

Between 1979 and 1992 marijuana usage among American teens went down. The Parents Movement and “Just Say No” campaign had an impact. What has gone wrong since that time?
We can look to a few big changes in the 1990s:

1) In 1990, President George H. W. Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act, a landmark piece of legislation that encouraged inclusiveness and has made life better for a large number of people with disabilities. CHADD, a group representing people with Attention Deficit Disorder lobbied successfully Continue reading US Created Drug Problem by Overdoing ADHD, Drugs

My 28-Year Journey to Sobriety – A Personal Testimony, Part 2

Life After Quitting the Weed Addiction

The sky's the limit after getting sober
The sky’s the limit after getting sober

Part 2, by Anonymous   There was way, waaaay too much abuse for me to chronicle it in an article – it would have been 20 pages — so much abuse that it is a miracle I am alive.

I am now 59 years old and in relatively good health. I met a wonderful man when I was 2 years sober and he was 7 years sober and we fell in love and got married. Later he adopted my little girl, whose biological father continued on as an addict. We own a business that has been thriving for over 25 years and has supported our family. I have wonderful friends with whom I have real and lasting friendships. I’ve never Continue reading My 28-Year Journey to Sobriety – A Personal Testimony, Part 2