Category Archives: Featured

Get Real — Marijuana Use Fuels Crime and Domestic Violence

A man who brutally chased a woman with fire tongs and broke her jaw in Prescott, AZ, was a medical marijuana cardholder.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that marijuana legalization will increase domestic violence and violence against women and children.  We have written on this subject previously.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  While we acknowledge the problem, let’s also acknowledge that  substance abuse is connected to nearly all domestic violence.*  Heavy marijuana users were the perpetrators in three domestic violence stories in the news over the past two weeks.

Near Portland, Oregon, a mother shot her 17-year-old son on Sept. 24.  Diane Davidoff’s paranoia and other mental illness, certainly made worse by frequent marijuana usage, probably led to the killing of her son.  She worried that others were out to get her. Continue reading Get Real — Marijuana Use Fuels Crime and Domestic Violence

Colorado Issues 3rd Marijuana Report

Colorado published its 3rd report on the Impact of Marijuana in Colorado.  Colorado opened commercial marijuana stores in January, 2014. That year also saw the following, according to the report:

  • a 29% increase in the number of marijuana-related emergency room visits,

  • a 38% percent increase in the number of marijuana-related hospitalizations,

  • 30 injuries from THC extraction labs (also called BHO labs or hash oil explosions), compared to 18 in 2013

    Continue reading Colorado Issues 3rd Marijuana Report

The Role of Pot: Horrific Cases of Child Justice Failure, Part 1

(Part 1 shows child justice failures in Court.Part 2 of this series is about neglected children who died in fires.Part 3 covers children who die in hot cars and in drownings. Part 4 explains parents who are addicted or psychotic from marijuana. Part 5 shows how children die through violence related to marijuana. Part 6 presents a solution. Previous article:Three Children Die in Colorado. Download our updated fact sheet on 53 child deaths related to pot.)

Marijuana Involved in Family Court Failures

Family courts throughout the United States routinely fail to protect children when there are signs of potential abuse.  The father rights’ lawyers and women’s groups should put down their swords and consider the best interests of the child in drug abuse cases. If these parties compromised for the sake of children, they would gladly speak against joint custody or visitation when drug abuse is a threat to child safety. Here are three horrific examples involving marijuana-using parents with addiction issues. Continue reading The Role of Pot: Horrific Cases of Child Justice Failure, Part 1

Vote No on Issue 3, Ban Marijuana Monopolies in Ohio

Ohioans Against Marijuana Monopolies Rise to Fight Big Pot, More Pot

Why was a driver so impaired that she drove right into a house, killing the resident?  Weed was found in the her car after the crash.  Now two children live without their mother and the driver escaped harm.  This past week, it was found that the driver tested way above the legal limit for pot.   It happened near Lorain, Ohio, on July 28.  If ResponsibleOhio PAC succeeds with its marijuana ballot, Ohioans can expect more accidents and absurdities such as this one.

Grass roots groups have organized to defeat marijuana legalization in Ohio under a common banner, Ohioans Against Marijuana Monopolies. Their campaign is called No on Issue 3. Continue reading Vote No on Issue 3, Ban Marijuana Monopolies in Ohio